Jiumei Long, Dongsheng Zhou, Jing Wang, Binyan Huang, Yuanlai Luo, Guocheng Zhang, Zui Liu, Ming Lei, * Repeated inoculation of antimony resistant bacterium reduces antimony accumulation in rice plants. Chemosphere. 2023.327:138335.
Jiumei Long, Dongsheng Zhou, Yayuan Huang, Zhengji Yi, Dongmei Bin, Yuanlai Luo, Jing Wang, Jingheng Deng, Ming Lei. Iron reduction process and antimony behavior change in paddy soils under stationary flooding conditions. Applied Geochemistry. 2022.142: 105311.
Jiumei Long; Di Tan; Yimin Zhou; Dongsheng Zhou; Yuanlai Luo; Ming Lei *,The leaching of antimony and arsenic by simulated acid rain in three soil types from the world’s largest antimony mine area. Environmental geochemistry and health. 2022. 44: 4253-4268.
Dongsheng Zhou; Tao Teng; Jianhui Liu; Jiumei Long(*); Cross‐habituation to deterrents correlates with desensitisation of the corresponding deterrent neuron in the larva of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 2021. 169(11): 1039-1048.
Jiumei Long; Dongsheng Zhou; Bingyu Li; Yimin Zhou; Yongjie Li; Ming Lei*; The effect of an antimony resistant bacterium on the iron plaque fraction and antimony uptake by rice seedlings*, Environmental Pollution. 2020. 258:113670.
Jiumei Long; Di Tan; Sihan Deng; Ming Lei (*), Antimony accumulation and iron plaque formation at different growth stages of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Environmental Pollution.2019. 249:414-422.
Lin Tang; Sihan Deng; Di Tan; Jiumei Long (*); Ming Lei (*), Heavy Metals Distribution, Translocation and Human Health Risk Assessment in the Soil-Rice System around Dongting Lake Area, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019. 26:17655-17665.
Jiumei Long; Di Tan; Sihan Deng; Ming Lei (*),Pollution and ecological risk assessment of antimony and other heavy metals in soils from the world's largest antimony mine area, China, Human and ecological risk assessment. 2018. 24 (3): 679-690.
Jiumei Long ; Di Tan; Sihan Deng Ming Lei (*),Uptake and accumulation of potentially toxic elements in colonized plant species around the world’s largest antimony mine area, China, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2018, 40: 2383-2394.
Di Tan; Jiumei Long; Ming Lei (*), Fraction and mobility of antimony and arsenic in three polluted soils: A comparison of single extraction and sequential extraction, Chemosphere, 2018, 213, 533-540.
Bingyu Li; Shuang Zhou; Dongning Wei; Jiumei Long; Ming Lei(*) , Mitigating arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) from typical arsenic contaminated paddy soil of southern China using nanostructured α-MnO2: pot experiment and field application. Science of the Total Environment. 2019. 650: 546-556.